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5G Rural Dorset – Meet the Team

Kieran Arnold

Kieran is Director of Ubiquitous Connectivity and General Manager at Westcott.

My one key skill: A check on reality. Everyone talks about everything tech, but the human element is needed. It’s easy to get lost in tech but I’m much more interested in people.”

Click here to read more about Kieran’s role >>


Jenny Knowles

Jenny is a Project Manager and has been with the Catapult for two years. Since joining, Jenny’s been managing the In Orbit Demonstrator Projects and the Astroscale In Orbit Servicing Control Centre project before taking on 5G Rural Dorset.

“The one key skill I bring is support to the team – this may be through stakeholder engagement, information control and distribution, planning, resource profiling, meetings… etc. I will do what I can to remove blockers or stresses within the team to allow focus on the interesting technical work.”

Click here to read more about Jenny’s role >>


Calum Kelly

Calum is the agri-tech solutions lead. His work on the 5G RuralDorset project is trialling different uses of 5G technology for both agriculture and aquaculture.

“I draw upon my experience of the UK food and drink system to ensure the 5G RuralDorset project considers the drivers of all actors across the supply chain, whether that be farmers, technology suppliers or consumers. Ensuring we consider the drivers and implications across the industry will allow the project to scale across the UK and set the benchmark for trialling 5G within a commercial agricultural environment.”

Please click here to read more about Calum’s role >>


Marilena Kalitsounaki

Marilena is a 5G Network System Engineer, whose work will span several work packages within the RuralDorset Poject.

“I hope to bring enthusiasm (as a soft skill!) and technical expertise, especially on the core side of the telecom network”

Click here to read more about Marilena’s role >>



Rob Maslin

Rob’s official title is Design Thinker, but he considers himself more of a Service Designer. His work within the project focusses on developing agricultural technology – specifically the human desirability elements and how the technology affects humans.

I’d say my one key skill is supporting the project team through empathy and compassion for people that might be affected by the project”

Click here to read more about Rob’s role >>



Angel Almeida

Angel works within the Ubiquitous Connectivity Team as a Telecommunications Systems Engineer. His work within this project focusses on developing the potential uses that 5G technology has for agriculture and public services.

“I hope to contribute to the team with my experience in communications technologies, sensor networks, firmware design, devices and integration”

Click here to read more about Angel’s role >>



Izzy Taylor

Izzy a Marketing Manager at the Catapult, responsible for marketing and communications for projects and new opportunities within the areas of satellite and 5G connectivity, health and wellbeing, intelligent transport, and in-space emerging technologies.

“My one key skill is finding out how to connect with people – within this project we need to communicate with the funders, general public, local councils, other project partners and technology companies, and our internal colleagues. Each communication needs to be tailored to who it’s aimed at and we need to investigate how best to speak to each audience so that our messages are clearly shared.”

Click here to read more about Izzy’s role >>

Nathan Woodley

Nathan is a Project Marketing Executive at the Catapult, working on a range of projects including 5G connectivity and sustainable development.

“I hope to ensure the successes and achievements of the project are well communicated. This is a fantastic project that will positively improve people’s lives, so I’d like to do it justice!”

Click here to read more about Nathan’s role >>


Ashweeni Beeharee

Ashweeni works within the Ubiquitous Connectivity Team as our Head of Communication Systems Engineering.

Click here to read more about Ashweeni’s role >>





Gleice Lima

Gleice works within the Impact & Evaluation Team as our Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Data Analyst.

Click here to read more about Gleice’s role >>