Why Space? The Opportunity for Materials Science and Innovation
Following the launch of the call for authored scientific contributions to the proposed position paper – Why Space? The opportunity for Materials Science and Innovation, the working group from Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) behind the paper (supported by the Satellite Applications Catapult), is hosting a series of drop in sessions which will provide a brief overview of the paper, an example of how space is being used for materials R&D and provide a forum to ask questions on the paper and the process to contribute.
While we expect attendees to be researchers or technologists from academic, industry and/or other government/public sector bodies, you do not need to be already working in the space sector to join or provide a contribution. For example, we are interested from hearing what the opportunities could be from those:
- In the materials community who have not undertaken space-related R&D that could support new innovations/discovery.
- Those in the space sector on future materials challenges for space exploration.
The call guidance can be found here. The call is open to authored contributions until 30 April 2023
If you have questions regarding attendance or the call please contact Dr. Phil Carvil at philip.carvil@stfc.ac.uk