Call for ESA Technology Transfer Network Broker in Germany

The Satellite Applications Catapult, an independent innovation and technology company, has announced a call on behalf the ESA Technology Transfer Network (TTN) to solicit bids from organisations based in Germany to act as the European Space Agency (ESA) German Technology Transfer Network (TTN) broker.
The TTN is a network of technology brokers and experts distributed across a number of ESA Member States. The Satellite Applications Catapult, based in the UK, has been appointed by ESA as the coordinator of the ESA TTN on behalf of the ESA Technology Transfer Programme Office.
TTN brokers work together to identify novel uses for space technologies developed as part of the European Space programme. They are also charged with identifying technologies in other sectors that could benefit from the exploration and utilisation of space. For over 20 years, the TTN has successfully transferred over 200 space technologies to non-space sectors for applications as diverse as cooling suits for a Formula 1 racing team, ground-penetrating radar to detect cracks in mine tunnels, and many healthcare-related innovations. In recent years, their activities have been strengthened by the addition of national technology transfer initiatives (NTTIs) in several ESA Member States.
For a full copy of the Request for Proposal, please contact Ged Start at the Satellite Applications Catapult –
The successful applicant will receive an initial contract of one year from the Satellite Applications Catapult. Closing date for bids is 11:00 CET on 20 January 2014.