Register for the Cross Catapult session at the UK Space Conference

The 2015 UK Space Conference will soon be with us, along with your chance to hear from four of the Catapults who are running sessions focusing on cross-Catapult activities. The sessions include City Planning, Autonomous Vehicles, and a ‘Battle of Ideas’ discussion, attracting an audience to a lively debate on ‘The Connected World – and will the Internet of Things set us free?’
The three sessions take place on Tuesday 14th between 15.30 and 17.00, and include panellists from across the Catapults, as well as industry experts. The City Planning session, chaired by Claire Mookerjee, Project Lead for Urbanisation at the Future Cities Catapult, will look at the opportunities offered by satellite-based applications in the urban environment. Panellists include Jessica Bland, a principal researcher in the policy and research team at Nesta.
The Autonomous Vehicles session is chaired by Neil Fulton, Programme Director for the Transport Systems Catapult, and will look at the growing use of autonomous vehicles – not only cars, but drones, ships and aeroplanes. Panellists include Prof Antonios Tsourdos, Head of the Centre for Cyber Physical Systems at Cranfield University, as well as representatives from the Future Cities, Transport Systems and Satellite Applications Catapults.
And finally, the ‘Battle of Ideas’ session is chaired by Claire Fox, Founder and Director of the Institute of Ideas. Claire, a regular panellist on BBC Radio 4 and commentator on culture, education and innovation, has attracted some great panellists including: Timandra Harkness, Science and Technology journalist for Radio 4; Prof Andy Miah, Futurologist and Chair in Science Communications and Future Media at the University of Salford; and senior representatives from the Transport Systems, Digital and Satellite Applications Catapults. Panellists will provide an overview of their current thoughts, and encourage the audience to engage in a lively debate.
There is also a Catapult plenary session featuring: Will Whitehorn – Chair of the Transport Systems Catapult and former president of Virgin Galactic; Andy Green – Chair of the Digital Catapult, former CEO of Logica; Chair of the IT & Telecoms Board, and Co-Chair of the Space Leadership Council; Tim Sherwood – Chair of the Satellite Applications Catapult, Trustee of the Sandhurst Trust, and Non-Exec Director of many other Boards; and Rachel Cooper OBE – Non-Exec Director for Future Cities Catapult and distinguished Professor of Design Management and Policy at Lancaster University.
Simon Edmonds, Catapult Programme Director at Innovate UK, said: “This important conference is an excellent example of how different Catapults are working together to showcase the full range of ways they can help businesses innovate and develop new products or services. Innovate UK is keen to see this cross-Catapult working develop and make a real impact.”
The UK Space Conference is taking place at Liverpool’s Arena and Convention Centre on 14-15 July 2015. To book your place on one of these sessions, please visit