

Price Guidance: £10k - £15k (Subject to requirements)

What is it?

A short burst, high-intensity set of workshops that support companies with market, technology, or user needs to develop a strategy for the next stage of their business.

Customer Need

  • We have the technology but are looking for an exploitation strategy.
  • We have a business idea but are looking for a service model or the right technology.
  • We need to decide how to focus the business
  • Services Include:

  • Problem definition
  • Competitor analysis
  • Service Modelling
  • Channels to Market
  • Road mapping
  • Moving Forward

    Contact our Business Strategy Lead, Emma Haskett

    Corporate Partnerships

    Price Guidance: £10,000 - £1 Million (Subject to requirements)

    What is it?

    A longer-term relationship with a large corporate to develop a space-related opportunity.

    Customer Need

  • How can space help my large company grow
  • What opportunities can the space sector bring to my business and my clients
  • How can you support me in my developing my space offering
  • Services Include:

  • Discovery activities (workshops & research)
  • Practical operational design
  • Technology and operational demonstrations
  • Delivery of solutions
  • Ongoing support
  • Moving Forward

    Build case-by-case with strategy team contact or contact Chris Hobbs

    Rapid Commercialisation

    Price Guidance: Depending on details

    What is it?

    For non-space companies who could benefit from a rapid exploration of the capability of space to augment the business existing services/create new services.

    Customer Need

  • What opportunities can the space sector bring to my business and clients
  • How can space help my company grow to map non-space verticals that could benefit from space-based data and engage the supply chains of the large organisations in these markets to deliver space-based services
  • How might public sector access suitable space
  • Services Include:

  • Combination of business and technical design sprints
  • Engagement of supply chain to support the delivery of space-based services
  • Discovery activities (workshops & research) technical and commercial expertise to develop proof of concepts/demo
  • Ongoing support
  • Moving Forward

    Build case-by-case with strategy team contact.

    Data Access and Storage

    Price Guidance: IaaS Cloud computing billed monthly based on usage & Satellite data free and open

    What is it?

    Full support on how to use satellite imagery. (Data Access and Storage services include SEDAS, CEMS, and DDH. The most appropriate choice depends on the requirement details)

    Customer Need

    We want to access and use imagery of the earth taken from satellites but need support to do this.

    Services Include:

  • IaaS Cloud Computing Colocated large image data stores
  • Access to free satellite data sets
  • Soon to include Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from NovaSAR
  • Moving Forward


    • Andrew Muir, Security and Risk Manager
    • Federica Moscato, Lead Software Engineer

    Antenna Testing

    Price Guidance: Price dependent on specific requirements

    What is it?

    Testing for the development and approval of communication satellite antennae.

    Customer Need

  • We need to develop a new antennae design, but we don’t have the facilities for testing.
  • Services Include:

  • Near-Field (non-reflective chamber)
  • Far-Field testing ranges and equipment
  • Moving Forward

    Contact Lorraine Moody, Head of Business Operations


    Disruptive Innovation for Space Capability

    Price Guidance: Available to hire from a half-day to long-term basis. Price dependent on requirements

    What is it?

    Innovation for space as a service: collaborative environments and facilities for design, manufacture, and testing of products for the harsh environment of space, and downstream applications.

    Customer Need

  • We need a quick and cost-effective way to help us take our products into space
  • I need access to equipment/capabilities on a short-to-long term (low cost) basis
  • We need to develop a new antenna design, but we don’t have the facilities for testing.
  • Services Include:

  • Cleanrooms
  • Vibration table
  • Thermal cycle testing
  • RF testing
  • Antenna testing
  • Thermal cycle testing
  • Antenna testing
  • Prototype and low volume production facility
  • Design Software
  • Near-Field (non-reflective chamber)
  • Far-Field testing ranges and equipment
  • Moving Forward

    Contact Lorraine Moody, Head of Business Operations

    Operations Centre

    Price Guidance: Approx. £10,000 depending on requirements

    What is it?

    A robust flight operations centre for a variety of mission profiles. It is comprised of a virtualised software hosting platform for mission-specific tools hosted in CEMS, eight workstations configured as thin clients, videowall with capability for full HD replication of any or all workstations.

    Customer Need

  • We need somewhere to control our space mission with accessto Catapult support when required
  • We need access to expertise and experience in building robust operations infrastructure for mission-critical activities
  • We need a facility with flight heritage and high reliability and redundancy
  • Services Include:

  • Eight workstations
  • High resolution Videowall
  • Virtualised software hosting environment
  • Real-time workstation replication on videowall over fibre
  • Moving Forward

    Contact our Ground Systems and Satellite Operations Lead, Dave Garton

    Goonhilly Ground Segemnt

    Ground Station Capability

    Price Guidance: Approx. £10,000 depending on requirements

    What is it?

    Ground station capability comprised of S and X band tracking dish antenna, VHF and UHF high-gain al-el tracking Yagis, remote access and scheduling using InfoStellar StellarStation.

    Customer Need

  • Ground segment, tracking, telemetry & control (TT&C) and payload data handling services (PDH) services.
  • Services Include:

  • 3.8M reflecting dish with programmable az-el tracking
  • High-gain VHF and UHF Yagi antennae with programmable az-el tracking
  • InfoStellar StellarStation scheduler
  • Full remote access for configuration and monitoring
  • Includes data hosting and dissemination options
  • Moving Forward

    Contact our Ground Systems and Satellite Operations Lead, Dave Garton


    Price Guidance: From £8.50

    What is it?

    A co-working office space in Harwell campus

    Customer Need

  • I need a desk space where I can be part of the space community and access relevant expertise when needed.
  • Services Include:

  • Desk space
  • Meeting rooms
  • Wi-Fi
  • Networking opportunities e.g. Satuccino
  • Moving Forward

    Contact our Business Engagement Executive, Shannon O'Neill

    Westcott Business Incubation Centre (BIC)

    Price Guidance: Funding is provided (funding sources include ERDF).

    What is it?

    A space for early-stage companies to work, enabling them to be part of the space community, also with specialisations in 5G and autonomous vehicles access expertise and experienced practitioners.

    Customer Need

  • We need a base for our new business team to focus on getting to the next stage. We need access to support when we need it.
  • Services Include:

  • Desk space
  • Meeting rooms 
  • Funding opportunities
  • Mentoring
  • Business, technology, and design ‘clinics’
  • Moving Forward

    Contact our Westcott Business Incubation Centre Manager, Susana Soto

    Westcott 5G Step-Our Centre

    Price Guidance: Available to hire from half-day to long-term basis. Price dependent on requirements

    What is it?

    A prototyping and testing facility for technologies using 5G.

    Customer Need

  • We need somewhere to test our 5G technology.
  • Services Include:

  • Full-spectrum of licences: 700-420Mhz
  • Integration of satellite and terrestrial communication lab
  • Cloud computing
  • Moving Forward

    Contact our Westcott Business Incubation Centre Manager, Susana Soto

    In-Orbit Deomonstration Progamme (IOD)

    Price Guidance: Based on mission requirements

    What is it?

    Development of service demonstration missions using low-cost, responsive access to space services

    Customer Need

  • We want to grow our space services or data business and need access to market and industry network and strategic expertise
  • We need to raise our technical readiness by flying in space but are unsure how to get access
  • Services Include:

  • Mission assurance
  • Quality assurance
  • Commercialisation strategy
  • Product demonstration and prototyping
  • Investor readiness support
  • Moving Forward

    Please contact our Space Missions Analyst, Graeme Taylor