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Remote Sensing for Natural Capital

EVENT DATA CONSENT FORM (links to Miro board at the bottom)


Participant Information Sheet

Interviewees and Attendees to the remote sensing for natural capital in the SW online event focus groups.

Title of Project: Sustainable exploitation of natural capital in the South West of England through remote sensing applications.

Researcher name: Gwendolen de Groot

Invitation and brief summary:

The research problem that will be addressed is that of accessing the multi-user scale that could provide commercial value to geospatial intelligence data and for natural capital through the application of this data. We will look at how digital business models, platforms and ecosystems can provide a value add at a regional level in the UK. This will be done by identifying market clusters within the South West of England where EO data can deliver commercial value for the sustainable exploitation of natural capital while also developing an improved understanding of user requirements for the applications while addressing the implementation gap through careful innovation management. Please take time to consider the information carefully and feel free to ask the researcher questions.

Purpose of the research:

This is a qualitive research study with semi structured interviews and focus group components. We are doing this research to fill an evidence gap in how geospatial data might help unlock the commercial value of natural capital across the SW of England.

Why have I been approached?

You will have either signed up for the open webinar conference via Eventbrite or been invited to participate. The participants include representatives from various natural capital stakeholder organisations and individuals working with or interested in natural capital.

What would taking part involve?

There will be a focus group held on the 26th June via a few break-out sessions conducted remotely.

There will be between 50 and 100 participants in this event. Later there will be a closed session to look specifically at policy drivers, economic impact and strategic partnership building across various initiatives and sectors. There will be an opportunity to attend a break- out session at the online event. These will have sector specific and use case specific themes and you will be asked questions on how you might already use or be able to use earth observation data in the future what your needs might be and what the barriers are to access. We are looking to identify cross cutting themes where datasets might be used across multiple users. Additionally, we are exploring what the ideal conditions might be for this to be able to happen.

What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?

As a participant you can stop taking part at any time without having to give a reason. If you wish to withdraw please contact Gwen de Groot and your data will be destroyed upon request. However, please note if the data collection method such as online recording means that a certain amount of data will have been collected up to the point at which you wish to withdraw and cannot be destroyed (e.g. focus group or data that has already been anonymised with no link to individual participants remaining), then

we will note your request and will destroy the elements you have contributed that are not anonymised. If your anonymised/pseudonymised data has been reported by this stage it will not be possible to destroy it.

How will my information be kept confidential?

The University of Exeter processes personal data for the purposes of carrying out research in the public interest. The University will endeavour to be transparent about its processing of your personal data and this information sheet should provide a clear explanation of this. If you do have any queries about the University’s processing of your personal data that cannot be resolved by the research team, further information may be obtained from the University’s Data Protection Officer by emailing or at

Data will be collected at the focus group through both a recording and transcript but also via the white board (Miro) and survey tools (chat) at the online focus group event.

All data will be stored securely, and password protected on the university’s online servers. It may be transferred between Satellite Applications Catapult and The University of Exeter’s secure data storage servers. Any recordings made by a handheld device will be stored securely in a locked cabinet and uploaded as soon as possible to the secure online servers. The data will be anonymised at the point of publishing by using pseudonyms. This anonymised data may be kept indefinitely and research findings may be shared with other researchers and used as evidence for further studies and business plans in the future.

The only circumstance in which confidentiality might need to be broken would be if the participant discloses a risk to themselves or others.

If you wish to withdraw any of your data or contributions to the research, please contact Gwen de Groot whose details can be found at the bottom of this sheet. Please also sign the accompanying GDPR consent form and provide your contact details to opt for your contact details to added to be kept informed of the progress of the project and the outcomes of the research. Your contact details will be kept securely by Satellite Applications Catapult on their secure data storage servers.

Any news/outcomes of the study will be made available via the Satellite Applications Catapult website

What will happen to the contributions I make?

Any data you provide in the form of answers to questions in the breakout sessions of the focus groups on 26 June will be collated and kept securely on The University of Exeter’s servers. Some of the data will be shared with and transferred to Satellite Applications Catapult in the form of a report and case study. The contributions may inform a research dissertation as well as possible future research.

What will happen to the results of this study?

The results may be disseminated in academic publications, conferences, meetings with service providers and business plans. The information on outcomes of the project will be made available to participants via the Satellite Applications Catapult website.

Who is organising and funding this study?

This study has been organised and funded in kind via The Exeter MBA, The University of Exeter Business School and Satellite Applications Catapult.

Who has reviewed this study?

This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Exeter

Further information and contact details Please contact Gwen de Groot, MBA Candidate and researcher for further information and/or to take part.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the project and wish to complain please contact: Project supervisor: Prof. Alan Brown, Director INDEX, or for any questions regarding ethics please contact: Gail Seymour, Research Ethics & Governance Manager, 01392 726621

Thank you for your interest in this project.


  • I have read the information sheet dated 24/06/2020 (version no 1.1 for the above project. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily.
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without my legal rights being affected.
  • I understand that relevant sections of the data collected during the study may be looked at by members of the research team, individuals from University of Exeter, Satellite Applications Catapult, or regulatory authorities, where it is relevant to my taking part in this research.
  • I give permission for these individuals to have access to my records.
  • I understand that taking part involves anonymised questionnaire responses, interview transcripts, photographs, audio recordings, and video recordings to be used for the purposes of inclusion in an archive indefinitely.
  • I understand that taking part involves my anonymised/ pseudonymised data being shared with other researchers for use in future research projects.
  • I understand that taking part involves my anonymised data being included in reports published in academic publications, project website and media publications.
  • I agree that my contact details (email provided) can be kept securely and used by researchers from the University of Exeter and Satellite Applications Catapult to contact me about future research projects and the outcomes of this research and any follow up steps
  • I agree to take part in the above project.
Fill out my online form.


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