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UK Space Agency: Cyber Essentials Plus

31 January 2024

Space systems will become increasingly more strategic, and the huge and long-term investments in them will need securing over their 6-25 year life – when the next generation of quantum and artificial intelligence cyber attacks will emerge.

The new age of space and the modern threat landscape will require a new and concerted effort to protect space systems.

Achieving a recognised standard of cyber security will reassure customers that you are working to secure your IT against cyber attack and make your company more attractive to new business in a growing competitive international marketplace.

Additionally, UK-domiciled organisations with a turnover under £20m achieving Cyber Essentials covering their whole organisation are entitled to free Cyber Liability Insurance (subject to terms).  For more information see

For more information about the Cyber essentials scheme or to test your readiness see

What you will receive through this Cyber Essentials plus programme

You will receive up to 3 days of time from an experienced cyber security assessor who will undertake a hands-on technical audit of your system.

They will provide a report of recommendations stating how to upgrade any areas of your systems that doesn’t meet the necessary standards.

Once a suitable and reasonable agreed period to remedy the improvements has passed, the final assessment against the Cyber Essentials framework will then be undertaken.

This audit and assessment will be fully funded by the UK Space Agency if your application to this programme is successful.

Corrective actions/recommendations are at own cost and not covered by the funding in this programme.

Application criteria:

Applying organisations must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an SME involved in space sector activity (less than 250 employee headcount)
  • Have a manufacturing or operational presence in the UK (includes NI)

Applications from micro/start-up businesses are particularly welcomed.

Please complete the following application form and submit by 31 Jan 2024 to  

All applicants will be notified whether they are successful as soon as possible after the closing date with Cyber Essentials Plus assessments scheduled to commence from Feb 24.

A waiting list may be required if the number of suitable applicants exceed the funding allocated to this programme in this year. If you have any queries please email