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Independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Data Analysis (IMEDA) Survey

The Satellite Applications Catapult are working with DFID under its Independent Monitoring, Evaluation and Data Analysis (IMEDA) programme, to provide analysis and insight, drawing on geospatial data including satellite-derived imagery as well as other data sources, to support the humanitarian relief effort for Yemen.

We are contacting you to request your participation in a review of the availability of satellite data and its analysis. As part of this review we are seeking to understand the current situation for DFID, DFID partners, other actors and the available forums for disseminating analysis among the wider humanitarian landscape.

This survey will better enable us to identify priority areas where our services may help to enhance programming and operational decisions. If you have any queries, or would prefer to provide information in an interview, please do get in touch.

This survey supports the baseline analysis for the Catapult’s work under DFID’s IMEDA programme in Yemen.  Your responses will help us shape our data and analysis offerings to support the humanitarian relief effort. Your responses will be treated as confidential and not attributed to you without permission.  Please answer the questions as fully as possible Thank you very much in advance for your participation.

If you have questions, please contact


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