5G-MOBIX Innovates Internationally with Help from the Satellite Applications Catapult

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The Satellite Applications Catapult through its membership of ERTICO (ITS EUROPE), was part of the core team that shaped and secured funding from the H2020 ICT-18 programme for the highly ambitious 5G-MOBIX project – bringing together over 58 partners from thirteen countries covering four different sectors (automated driving, telecommunications and connectivity, research and development and original equipment manufacturers). The key ambition of the project was to demonstrate the viability of deploying automated driving across a wide range of use cases and geography, supported by a resilient connectivity framework comprising of 5G and related communications technologies.

One of the key roles of the Satellite Applications Catapult team in the consortium was to provide authoritative technical inputs on the exploitation of satellite communication technology within the 5G ecosystem to support the selected use cases. This was achieved through involvement right from the start defining the use cases and architectures through to implementation and deployment within the vehicles and infrastructure; all in collaboration with the project partners.

To be involved in innovative action between fifty-eight partners within thirteen countries really showcases the wider impact of our capabilities as well as our international collaborative efforts. Working closely with the consortium of partners we supported multiple aspects of the project. International collaboration in 5GMobix cross-border trials has been establishing an interconnected, low latency and autonomously-focused future for us all. Partners based in different countries conducted trials and demonstrated the development of technology within Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM).

Vedecom was one of the key site leaders in the project who firmly believed in the strength of using satellite technology and supported the collaborative work throughout the project. Of particular significance, we co-developed a robust communication framework to support complex overtaking manoeuvres with Vedecom. This was extensively tested at Vedecom’s site before being trialed at the cross-border corridor between Spain and Portugal.

The Catapult was instrumental in developing the business case for 5G-MOBIX; explaining realistic potential of satellite technology being intrinsically linked to the seamless functionality of CCAM and Cross Border Corridor (CBC) operations. In addition, crucial business strategy highlighted where value is created. Demonstrating how stakeholders’ interaction within the consortium occurred.

Within the 5G-MOBIX impact assessment work package the Catapult supported the cost benefit analysis conducted to provide a summative evaluation of the project. Estimating the point at which the benefits resulting from deployment, compare to the costs associated. The main CBC corridors, Spain to Portugal, Germany to Netherlands and Spain to France in evaluation all exhibited a positive impact. Further studies could be conducted particularly in the Finland-Norway and Greece-Turkey corridors. Benefits arising from the reduction in accidents, emission and delays were expected to be sufficient to offset the infrastructure costs underpinning the solutions.

Autonomous Electric Vehicles (A-EVs) will transport passengers more efficiently with the development of CCAM, reducing the need for drivers and ultimately fossil fuel internal combustion engines. This development is already providing highly urbanised areas, airports, bridges, and business parks with CCAM. Businesses will be able to take advantage of electric autonomous fleets as well as road and driving information able to be processed in near real-time, all of which helps to bring technical insights and market opportunities for CCAM applications. Daily travel is set to be revolutionised for the better, with CCAM enabling a future where mobility for all is substantially improved.