Event Follow Up: UK-Australia Space Sector Collaboration - Satellite Applications Catapult

Event Follow Up: UK-Australia Space Sector Collaboration

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On the 23 and 29 June, Satellite Applications Catapult, in partnership with Western Australian companies AtomicSky, Agristart, and Quantum Technology Exchange, hosted two workshops on Advanced Technology (Robotics, Automation, Manufacturing, Data, and AI) and Agri-Tech (Robotics, Automation, Sensors, and IoT) in the Space sector.

These workshops sought to encourage Australian and UK businesses to engage on a number of cross-sector challenges, develop an awareness of end-users and customer challenges, and provide visibility and access to key supply chain and potential collaborators in Space, Advanced Technologies and Agri-Tech sectors. Experts from leading organisations discussed topics of interest followed by smaller group facilitated discussions with our distinguished speakers from:

Advanced Technology:

  • Australian Space Agency
  • DOrbit
  • Fugro
  • AVS Space
  • Responsive Access
  • Curtin University


  • Smartsat CRC
  • Satellite Applications Catapult
  • Imvelo Innovating Ecosystems
  • Hummingbrid Technologies
  • Inmarsat
  • Bungulla Farm

273 companies from Australian and the United Kingdom registered for these two workshops and through facilitated discussions with experts in the field, companies were able to gain a knowledge of cross-sector opportunities (collaborative and commercial) in the UK and Australia. Places at the event were limited  to ensure a truly interactive virtual experience as such it is hoped that future sessions will be run to accommodate those who were allocated to the waiting list.

The event resulted in a large number of follow up discussions for collaboration between the UK and Australia, this would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors Australian Space Agency, the Western Australian Government and SmartSAT CRC.

Event Recordings:

To view the recordings of these events, please click the links below.

UK-Australia: Advanced Technologies and Space Applications – 23 June

UK-Australia: Future of Agriculture Space Applications Workshop – 29 June

More Information:

If you have any questions following on from these events, or would like to explore future collaboration opportunities between the UK and Australia, please contact info@sa.catapult.org.uk