COP26: What is your company doing about climate change?
From 31 October to 12 November, Glasgow will be hosting the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26); a global climate summit, where almost every nation’s leader will come together to discuss how to tackle climate change.
COP21, held in Paris in 2015, was a landmark event where 196 world leaders collaborated to sign a legally binding international treaty on climate change. The signatories committed to peaking emissions as soon as possible and achieving carbon neutrality by the mid-century, with the goal of limiting global warming to ideally 1.5C compared to pre-industrial levels. At COP26, the nation’s leaders are due to update how they will deliver to achieve this goal, with commitments called National Determined Contributions (NDCs) at COP26.
This COP is particularly crucial as the window on 1.5C is closing and pivotal action must happen this decade.
Climate Change will impact us all, and citizens, businesses and policy makers all have important roles to play. Just as collaboration is critical to the success of COP26, business too must work together to survive and ideally thrive in the new political and environmental climate. We’d love to know where your company is on its’ Net Zero journey and if you would like to work with us and others with similar challenges? If your company has developed a solution to mitigate or adapt to climate change, then we would also like to hear about it and potentially share it on social media during COP26.