5G Enabled Solutions for Endoscopies
Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer with more than 42,000 diagnoses and 16,000 deaths in the UK each year. However, it is also one of only two cancers that is fully preventable if found and treated early. Diagnoses currently include colonoscopy and upper endoscopy – invasive and uncomfortable examinations that look for small growths called polys within the colon. These procedures are uncomfortable and increasingly in demand. Polyps do not always lead to cancer, but current methods of colonoscopy miss around 1 in 5 of them. This means there is a chance that cancerous polyps are not found despite diagnostic procedures.
Our healthcare system is experiencing monumental pressure to complete the number of endoscopies required, and with the bowel cancer screening age lowered, and appointments reduced due to the pandemic, this backlog is only looking to grow.
Innovation is key to solving many of the issues the UK healthcare system currently faces. Through new technology solutions, healthcare providers can offer a better service with a higher quality of care to their patients, including care in the community or at home.
This where the MK5G project steps in. The MK5G: Connecting Communities Testbed is leading the UK in demonstrating how applications of 5G technology can be implemented in a real-world setting to improve services within the healthcare system. The MK5G Project aims to raise the bar for standards of healthcare across the UK in urban areas with access to top end connectivity.
On the 24th of March, the MK5G project will be hosting an event with speakers that are using 5G technology to diagnose bowel cancer in its early stages. The event features demonstrations of cutting-edge solutions that aim to create a more efficient, safe, and cost-effective system, providing less invasive solutions for diagnosis and care closer to home. We will explore the challenges being addressed by these solutions, and current opportunities for developing your own innovations within this care pathway. We will also be hosting a live-chat stream so you can ask questions throughout, as well as information about how you can get involved with the project. Whether you are a technology business, a healthcare provider, or looking to find out more, please join us and get involved in the discussion!
Registration is free and can be found at the bottom of this page. We can’t wait to see you there!