Satellite 101 Webinar: Launch and Propulsion - Satellite Applications Catapult

Satellite 101 Webinar: Launch and Propulsion

23 March
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As part of the UKSA funded Space Enterprise Ecosystem Development Project, the Satellite Applications Catapult and Grey Consultants are collaborating with The University of Glasgow to host a Satellite 101: Launch and Propulsion hybrid webinar.


  • Introductory Presentation by Adam Baker – 10 minutes

“Space Transportation encompasses both the delivery of objects (people, spacecraft, consumables) into Earth orbit, and the transfer of objects already in orbit from one location to another. Using case studies and applications, this session will explore different types of propulsion and their applications, providing an overview of the benefits of propulsion and launch technologies to the UK. We will cover key aspects of launch technologies such as costs, and introduce the UK Space Propulsion Working Group, before exploring the future of space propulsion and launch vehicle solutions.”

  • Example Case Study: Patrick Harkness at the University of Glasgow – 15 minutes
  • Example Case Study: Launch & Propulsion Company (TBC) – 15 minutes
  • Q&A consisting of pre-submitted live questions – 20 minutes

Further information

  • The event will be held in The University of Glasgow’s McIntyre Building, in Room 201 at University Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8QQ.
  • For in-person attendees, coffee and networking will be available from 15:00pm. There will also be an opportunity to speak to the Grey Consultants and UKLSL team directly.
  • Getting here: Further details on the getting to the building on the day can be found here.

For those joining the workshop online, session details will be distributed in due course.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Satellite Applications Catapult
We help organisations make use of, and benefit from, satellite technologies, and bring together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment.