Satellite Technology for Floating Offshore Wind - Spark Session - Satellite Applications Catapult

Satellite Technology for Floating Offshore Wind – Spark Session

11 March 9:30AM - 1PM
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The Satellite Applications Catapult and Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, supported by the UK Space Agency, invite you to a half-day Spark Session exploring Satellite Technology for Offshore Floating Wind Farms.

This workshop will bring together experts and key stakeholders from a range of fields in order to identify high-value opportunities for satellite-enabled technology to support the design, development, and operation of floating offshore windfarms.

Floating offshore wind will play a key role in the UK achieving its net-zero ambition in 2O5O. The UK leads the world in deployment of floating wind and has the opportunity to develop a sustainable industry supporting large-scale employment, exports and GVA. The global opportunity for floating wind is large, with emerging markets in Japan, USA, China, Taiwan, Korea, Norway, Spain and Portugal. The total market is set to grow to at least 4GW installed by 2030 and 55GW by 2050, representing annual markets of at least £3.1bn and £7.1bn respectively. Driving down costs and minimising the need for far offshore operations is key and Satellite Applications are expected to play a significant role in future.

The session will include a presentation outlining some of the latest relevant satellite communication and remote sensing capabilities, followed by group idea development and prioritisation sessions, leading us to a number of focused opportunities for future development.


09:30-09:45 Welcome, introductions

09:45-10:15 Context and overview for the day

10:15-11:00 Presentations outlining space capabilities

11:00-11:10 Break

11:10-11:20 Break-out group formation

11:20-11:50 Opportunity brainstorm & prioritisation

11:50-12:30 Opportunity development session

12:30-13:00 Present back and next steps

This session is invite-only to keep numbers to a manageable level, however, if you believe there are people from your organisation or beyond who should be attended please inform us with their contact details and we will forward the invitation.

For more information contact Joel Freedman,

We look forward to seeing you there!

Satellite Applications Catapult
We help organisations make use of, and benefit from, satellite technologies, and bring together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment.
Wind turbines at sea under a sunset sky, with text "SPARK" and various logos overlaid.
11 March 9:30AM - 1PM Register Now