Solving Social Challenges in Mining Using Space Tech – Spark Session - Satellite Applications Catapult

Solving Social Challenges in Mining Using Space Tech – Spark Session

10 February - 9:30AM - 12:00PM
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The UK Space Agency has funded the Satellite Applications Catapult to conduct a series of Spark Sessions across the UK to explore how space technology can add value across a range of sectors and challenge areas.   These sessions explore high-value opportunities sourced directly from the sector communities, and engage those communities, along with satellite technology experts, to prioritise and develop these into areas for future collaborative technology development.

This session is focused on the Social Challenges of Mining, and we invite you, as the expert community, to join the discussion surrounding two broad themes:

  • Illegal, unregulated and artisanal mining
  • Community engagement and trust

Participants will have the opportunity to join the conversation and shed light on the reality of these challenges, in sessions facilitated by our extractives industries and user-centred design teams.

Activities will prompt productive and constructive talk with others from the mining, space tech, and academic sectors to evolve ideas surrounding these challenges into innovative new project opportunities.

This fully funded, industry-focused workshop will allow you and your company or organisation to network, meet other experts in the fields of mining and space tech, and to become part of a valuable conversation and brainstorm about these critical challenges in mining. The potential projects, products and services that may be formed, developed and brought forward as a result of this initial workshop could shape the future of solving SLO related challenges through satellite technology.

Social Impact of Mining Miro Board –

If that is something you want to be part of, register to attend below.


09:30-09:45       Welcome, Context, & Introductions

09:45-10:15       Satellite Capability Recap with Q&A

10:15-10:30       Review Challenge Areas and Form Break-out Groups

10:30-10:40       Break

10:40-11:10       Brainstorming & Prioritisation

11:10-11:40       Idea Development

11:40-12:00        Feedback, next steps, wrap-up

Satellite Applications Catapult
We help organisations make use of, and benefit from, satellite technologies, and bring together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment.
Protesters holding colorful banners and flags with messages against pollution at a rally.
10 February - 9:30AM - 12:00PM Register Now