UK-Turkey: building strong partnerships within agriculture, food and drink - Satellite Applications Catapult

UK-Turkey: building strong partnerships within agriculture, food and drink

23 February - 10:00AM - 1:00PM
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Exploring the shared opportunities for agriculture, food and drink with a focus on technology, innovation and collaboration.

This event will explore the opportunities to meet challenges within the Turkish Agriculture Food and Drink industry through building ecosystems across borders that deliver innovations to identified supply chain challenges. It will showcase capability from the UK Catapults and Agri-Tech ecosystem, give insight into the current use and adoption of digital technologies, and provide opportunities for great collaboration between the UK and Turkey.


10.00 (GMT) 13:00 (UTC) – Welcome from Nick Mellors, Regional Manager for Eastern Mediterranean and Central & Eastern Europe, UK Science & Innovation Network, British Consulate-General Istanbul

10.05 (GMT) 13:05 (UTC) – Introduction to UK-Turkey Agri Food and Drink Market Challenge Team

Calum Kelly, Agri-Tech Lead at the Satellite Applications Catapult

Turgut Orman, Coordinator of International Projects Office at TAGEM

10.15 (GMT) 13:15 (UTC) – Department for International Trade: Agri-Tech Overview

Dr Elizabeth Warham, Agri-Tech Team Lead, Department for International Trade

10.30 (GMT) 13:30 (UTC) – Food and Agricultural Trade Between UK and Turkey: Opportunities and Projections for the Future

Federation of Food & Drink Industry Associations of Turkey

11.00 (GMT) 14:00 (UTC) – General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies


11.10 (GMT) 14:10 (UTC) – BREAK

11.20 (GMT) 14:20 (UTC) – Introduction of Space Applications in Agriculture

Calum Kelly, Agri-Tech Lead at the Satellite Applications Catapult

11.35 (GMT) 14:35 (UTC) – Introduction to the UK Agri-Tech Centres

Anna Woodley, Head of Sales & Marketing at Agrimetrics Ltd

11.55 (GMT) 14:55 (UTC) – Advanced Manufacturing Applications in Food and Drink

Matt Rayment, Sector Lead for Agri-Food at the Manufacturing Technology Centre

12.10 (GMT) 15:10 (UTC) – Digital Technologies Across Supply Chains

Ben Ramsden, Partnership Manager for Food & Drink at Digital Catapult

12:25 (GMT) 15:25 (UTC) – Q&A

13.00 (GMT) 16:00 (UTC) End of webinar


Satellite Applications Catapult
We help organisations make use of, and benefit from, satellite technologies, and bring together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment.
A colorful brunch spread with fruits, vegetables, eggs, pastries, and various small dishes on a wooden table.
23 February - 10:00AM - 1:00PM Register Now