Westcott Engage: Febraury 2023 - Satellite Applications Catapult

Westcott Engage: Febraury 2023

22 Febraury
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Join us for our networking social: Westcott Engage! Igniting conversations within our incredible space cluster community-based at Westcott.

On the last Wednesday of each month, we will bring together the Westcott Space Cluster community and wider space-related sectors in person at the Westcott Innovation Centre. Engaging individuals and businesses in discussions on industry news, business sector insights, partnership development, and on-site support.

This social event is hosted by Westcott Space Cluster, dedicated to our members and the wider community. During the event, you’ll be able to connect with our space cluster community, or catch up with friends, all whilst enjoying locally provided refreshments.

We are openly encouraging everyone working within the space sector, local county and on-site individuals and companies to get involved with the opportunity to speak and host insightful discussions with Q&As.

If you have any questions, please drop an email to: marketing@sa.catapult.org.uk

Satellite Applications Catapult
We help organisations make use of, and benefit from, satellite technologies, and bring together multi-disciplinary teams to generate ideas and solutions in an open innovation environment.
A red rocket launches from a planet's surface into space, with a moon visible in the dark sky.
22 Febraury Register Now