Missions - Satellite Applications Catapult
Satellite Applications Catapult


Driving the commercial growth of the UK space sector

Silhouetted satellite dishes under a starry night sky with a faint Milky Way visible in the background.

The Catapult’s purpose is to drive the sustainable, commercial growth of the UK Space sector, positioning it as a growth engine for the whole UK economy.

To achieve this, we focus our work on four missions that capture the key opportunities and our planned impacts for the UK through to 2030.

The missions recognise the evolving opportunities encapsulated by:

  • Inclusive, converged and sustainable connectivity
  • Improved sustainability for a safe, just and thriving world
  • Increased utility and effectiveness through new innovations in autonomy
  • Opportunities to operate beyond our earth for innovative services and manufacturing, new space-based infrastructure, and greater sustainability in the space domain

Our missions are strongly aligned with the UK Government Space Strategy themes to “Grow and level-up our space economy” and “Use space to deliver for UK citizens and the world”.

The missions are:

Beyond Earth

Advancing the UK’s in-orbit capabilities, unlocking economic opportunities, bolstering our safety and security and helping solve the grand challenges on Earth.

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Autonomous & Connected Earth

See safe, secure and performant connectivity and autonomy available everywhere and affordable by every person.

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Sustainable Earth

Use space capabilities to enable safe and just outcomes for climate displaced people and their communities by 2030.

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Why Missions?

Adopting a mission-oriented innovation approach – as championed by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose – provides a framework for targeted innovation, through which the intended impacts, UK growth and delivery of cross-cutting policy priorities, will be achieved.

A range of interventions – programmes of work comprising highly-focused projects and services – deliver the objectives of each mission. You can discover more about our interventions and projects following the links from our dedicated missions’ pages.

Scroll to explore who we work with

Beyond Earth

Autonomous & Connected Earth

Sustainable Earth

Beyond Earth

The Beyond Earth mission is advancing the UK’s in-orbit capabilities, unlocking economic opportunities for businesses, bolstering our safety and security and helping solve the grand challenges on Earth.

A view of Earth from space at night, showing illuminated cities and a glowing atmosphere under a starry sky.
Visit the Beyond Earth Homepage

Autonomous & Connected Earth

By 2030, our Autonomous & Connected Earth mission aims to see safe, secure and performant connectivity and autonomy available everywhere and affordable by every person.

A digital rendering of Earth from space, showing glowing network connections across Asia with a bright sunrise.
Visit the Autonomous & Connected Earth Homepage

Sustainable Earth

The Sustainable Earth mission will use space capabilities to enable safe and just outcomes for 500 million climate displaced people and their destination communities by 2030.

Satellite view of a green river meandering through brown terrain, surrounded by scattered white clouds.
Visit the Sustainable Earth Homepage

We continue to positively impact the growth and maturity of the UK Space sector. Our activities increase revenues and employment opportunities in the UK and enhance the market presence of UK based space businesses, helping them fulfil demand in emerging fields globally.

With support from the Catapult, the UK Space sector is already a driver of innovation and growth for other sectors of our economy. Our support for UK organisations helps position the UK as a leader in this exciting new era, bringing substantial benefits to the nation, and our planet.