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Global Market Matrix Report

The Satellite Applications Catapult commissioned Bryce Space and Technology Limited to undertake a study to create an annual snapshot of the opportunities for satellite applications, segmented within globally recognized industry sectors. Bryce conducted sector analysis on 41 FTSE Russell Industry Classification Benchmark sectors, in each case further segmented by Geospatial Intelligence (GI) and Ubiquitous Connectivity (UC). The analysis identifies key customer segments, use cases, addressable markets, existing penetration levels, key export markets, barriers to entry, U.K. centres of academic excellence, and potential areas for effective Catapult intervention. Additionally, the analysis affords insights into key sectors, themes, and market barriers and opportunities.

The study combines qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative elements include space and satellite company technology offerings, capabilities, existing commercial adoption, and cross-sector opportunities. Quantitative elements include revenues, capital, and operational expenditure, export markets, and market growth rates.

The study attempts to provide a general purpose supplemental resource to those asking questions about the future growth of the UK downstream satellite product and service offering, with the goal of signposting potential paths forward to increased economic success.

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