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Agriculture and Food Security

This market report assesses the market opportunities for agricultural technology (agri-tech) which will cover the use of satellite technologies to aid the sustainable intensification and food security in arable and livestock farming. The use of agri-tech in horticulture, silviculture (forestry) and aquaculture is not within the scope of this report

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Broadband to Aircraft

This market report assesses the use of broadband within aircraft, focusing specifically on applications which make use of digital connections.

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Broadband to Ships

This report covers the global shipping industry which includes vessels such as commercial ships, large fishing vessels, passenger, leisure marine, and larger privately owned or chartered pleasure vessels. This report does not include vessels for military or naval use. The international nature of the commercial shipping industry requires that this report covers global activities of the maritime sector. Data is derived from global studies but the information about companies and supply chains tends to reflect business in Western Europe and to some extent the Far East.

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Broadband to Trains 

This market report focuses on satellite broadband to trains. The report looks at the existing and developing market for broadband services to passengers, staff and contractors. A number of markets around the world, where there is significant rail infrastructure, are considered. The initial focus is on the UK, and others considered include Europe, Australia, China, Russia, South America, and the quickly developing area of Africa.

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Broadband to Vehicles 

This report covers the global Satellite Broadband to Vehicles sector, with an emphasis on the UK and European markets. The general technologies covered include the Global Navigation Satellite System, including GNSS and Galileo, and Satellite Communications, including Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications. The report will cover the near term period from 2016 to 2020 and the long term period to 2030.

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Carbon Monitoring Services

This report will include Earth Observation and Global Navigation Satellite System (e.g. GPS) applied to Global Carbon modelling and monitoring. Carbon is here taken to mean carbon sequestered in the terrestrial realm together with key atmospheric greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The focus is on the commercial opportunities from applications of satellite monitoring, rather than technical aspects of satellite technology and remote sensors. As such, opportunities for in-orbit and terrestrial satellite-related hardware i.e. satellites/ cubesats, remote sensors, ground launchers etc. are outside of scope of this report.

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Disaster Resilience

This briefing addresses the ‘Disaster Resilience’ sector, defined by those systems required by local, regional, national and international communities to prepare for, protect from, respond to and recover from disasters which would require resources which:

  • Are outside the normal coping mechanisms (ie the capacity) of installed emergency management systems
  • Would require national and international resources to address
  • Would require management, via contingency plans, by government and pan-governmental organisations, and / or
  • Would require the installation of additional but normally latent capacity to ensure continuity of services throughout a disaster.

The study will address natural disaster scenarios, and will align with accepted disaster principles of Integrated Emergency Management . It will not address disasters in space which are covered by other reports. It will also not encompass the provision of EO imagery to those organisations wishing to develop improved awareness or risk of various types of disaster and who wish to develop countervailing contingency plans.

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Energy Infrastructure Monitoring

The overall aim of this paper is to consider potential opportunities for satellite services related to energy infrastructure management and operation that arise from integrating current Earth observation satellite data (e.g. weather, high quality images) with new sensors (IoT, GNSS etc.), with other devices (UAV etc.) and with applications such as asset management. We also comment on the opportunity for using satellite bandwidth as a pure communications channel.

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Environmental Monitoring Services

This report aims to describe the potential scope for the introduction of space-based technologies into three environmental services: Flood Risk Management, Habitat Assessment, and Rural Diffuse Pollution.

These services are not unique to the UK and have been chosen as themes that are globally generalisable in their nature and demand. This report predominantly focuses on the use of Earth Observation (EO) technologies. However, alternative space technologies, such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS, including the global positioning system, GPS) and satellite-based communications are also referenced when these are seen to offer potential improvements in information provision to support the services.

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Fixed Satellite Broadband

The purpose of the report is to identify opportunities for UK space companies within the Fixed Satellite Services Broadband sector, as well as the key market trends and drivers. It aims to cover opportunities for new business growth in the global Fixed Satellite Services Broadband sector on a global basis through demonstrating applications for FSS that could be exploited by UK based Space companies.

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Future Cities

While there is no one definition of ‘Future Cities’, it is a term broadly used to conceptualise what cities will be like, how will they operate, what systems will orchestrate them and how will they relate to and involve their stakeholders, including citizens, businesses and governments.

As established by a range of studies in the recent past, these smart urban solutions necessitate the uptake of technologies that offer cross-sectoral solutions to address urban challenges. With ever growing advances in space-based technologies and their lowering costs, it is expected that their various capabilities, including data, positioning and communication, will play an instrumental role in applications that support the development and operation of Future Cities.

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Galileo PRS

The Public Regulated Service (PRS) is a specific service provided by Europe’s GNSS, Galileo.

Access to the PRS is granted by a Competent Authority in a Member State of the European Union, Norway or Switzerland. The scope of this market briefing therefore covers these countries. However, recent communication from the US Department of Defense suggests the US military would be interested in accessing PRS.1 Discussion of the political landscape and likelihood that such requests from the US will be granted are beyond the scope of this briefing, and the US market is therefore not in scope.

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Gaming, Augmented Reality & Simulation

This briefing looks at the potential for Augmented and Mixed Reality Games to be enhanced by satellite data and technology. The space technologies of relevance to the opportunities described herein include Earth observation, satellite communications and GNSS. The market described is global and largely focused on populated areas.

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High Altitude Platform Communications

This briefing covers the use of satellite communications in the High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) sector. The sector covers long endurance platforms that remain on station above regulated air space and are used to provide communications and surveillance services. The briefing addresses the need for satcom connectivity beyond line of sight, either for command and control or backhaul of communications from the HAPS platform. Consideration is given to the global opportunity over the period 2017 to 2030. As an adjunct to the sector, the use of sensor technologies and processing applications developed in the space Earth Observation sector is considered for surveillance applications from HAPS, particularly in the military sector.

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Indoor Positioning and Navigation

This market opportunity report aims to: briefly outline current indoor navigation technologies and services and how they may develop; outline the challenges faced by using GNSS indoor and in restricted environments; present the current indoor navigation value chain and where the space sector is/may be positioned;  identify the business opportunities if a seamless system can be developed; and identify use cases and applications for which this market opportunity will be useful.

Click here to access the full report.


Insurance Services

In order to help with the evaluation of risks and the assessment of damage after an accident, insurers use a variety of data and services, including many derived from space. This briefing will analyse the global opportunities around the application of EO, GNSS and Satcoms data to the insurance sector and therefore will only be considering specific business lines within PC insurance. Life insurance is not considered in this report, although may be relevant in the future for personal tracking.

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Large Integrated Constellations in MEO and LEO

Large, integrated constellations of satellites have multiple satellites flying in formation such that each location on Earth has access to the same number of satellites at any given time. Earth-observation and connectivity are transitioning toward a model of small-satellite operators managing large satellite constellations, with Earth-observation seeing a huge increase in the number of small-satellites. For the purposes of Earth-observation, operators are flying fleets from as small as 3 to over 100 small-satellites, whilst connectivity has larger constellations of 65-720 satellites.

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Location Based Services

The General Space Technology of relevance to Location-Based Services is Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). This Market Briefing has global coverage, and covers all markets of relevance, but applications related to the Internet of Things are not in scope (covered in a separate Market Briefing). Military applications intended to rely on the Public Regulated Service from Galileo are also not in scope (covered in a separate Market Briefing). Location-based services from autonomous vehicles are not in scope either (covered in a separate Market Briefing).

This Market Briefing covers 2016-2020 (near term) and extends to 2030 (longer term).

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Maritime Surveillance

For the purposes of this report, “Maritime Surveillance” focuses primarily on the satellite-based monitoring of all maritime operations and the satellite-based monitoring of the condition and health of the marine environment.

While the primary aim of the report is to inform UK businesses of potential opportunities arising in this marketplace, the global nature of the oceans – they cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, 99% of the living space on the planet and 90% of global trade is moved across the oceans – means that it embraces the total worldwide market.

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On-Orbit Servicing and Space Debris Mitigation

The market study scope addresses both the nascent On-Orbit Servicing and the Space Debris Mitigation markets. This report makes use of the author’s expert knowledge of the domain and various on-line, print and personal sources.

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Persistent Surveillance

This report covers the global Persistent Surveillance sector, with an emphasis on opportunities for UK Space Companies. The Persistent Surveillance sector is described in context of protecting the planet and the opportunities for Satellite-based Earth Observation and Satellite Remote Sensing applications.

The findings can be applicable to the UK domestic market and all Export markets.

The report will cover the near term period from 2016 to 2020 and the long term period to 2030. The purpose of the report is to identify opportunities for UK space companies within the Persistent Surveillance channel, as well as the key market trends and drivers.

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Polar Region Communications

This report explores the demand for communication channels in the Polar Regions and whether space-based assets might provide a solution that is both technically and commercially viable.

The key objective is to identify opportunities for the UK Space sector to add value to the stakeholder organisations and businesses involved in and impacted by issues surrounding the Polar Regions with a focus on Communications.

Please note that as Antarctica is such a small market (mainly research stations), much of the available research focuses on the Arctic. While some statements apply to both poles, differences have been highlighted where they may exist.

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Rail Traffic Management

This report considers the opportunities for a variety of space related services including earth observation, global navigation, satellite systems and satellite communications. Consideration is given to additional space infrastructure requirements to increase the robustness and accuracy of any service. E.g. the potential for delay time in signals passing to and from geo-stationary satellites, and ‘line of site’ issues for satellite communications.

The report will focus on the UK in the first instance, and considers existing and future opportunities in Europe, Australia, North America and the developing networks in Africa.

Key stakeholders are identified and their supply chains. Barriers are highlighted as well as market dynamics that exist.

The report does not consider defence or national security issues. However, cyber security is a major issue for both infrastructure and user, and has been considered in this report.

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Road Traffic Management

This report focuses on the applications of space technologies (Earth Observation, Global Navigation Satellite System (e.g. GPS) and Satellite Communications) to products and services that are associated with the operation and management of road networks and activities associated with their control, planning and charging, as well as policing and security. The report takes a global view, as whilst the UK and Europe have some mature markets, other parts of the world are now adopting new technologies, and as traffic management is already a UK export.

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Seamless Personal Communications

This market briefing examines the role of satellite communications in the evolution of mobile communications towards 5G, considering the widely varying opinion on the goals for 5G – another quantum leap in data speeds, or a seamless and ubiquitous service offering consistent connectivity.
The briefing will explore the effect of Mobile Edge Computing as a disruptive technology capable of enabling adoption and growth of satellite communications in the hitherto lightly penetrated the mobile backhaul market.

The briefing’s recommendations are applicable to all geographies, with an emphasis on use cases that address rural coverage, both in mature and developing markets.

Click here to access the full report.


Space Launch Services

The number of new, small-satellite operators has increased over the last 5 years, enabled by the availability of standardised small-satellite hardware at relatively lower prices, which allows operators to develop assets at lower cost. This dynamic will continue to disrupt the competitive landscape and new suppliers are expected.

However, the key challenge faced by small-satellite operators is the lack of dedicated launch services for small-satellites, forcing them to adopt the existing ride-share opportunities which can be prohibitively expensive. This lack of affordable access to space continues to keep space capabilities away from businesses that are willing to invest in next-generation satellite services for earth-observation and connectivity.

This report will focus on the market opportunity for space launch services within the UK.

Click here to access the full report.


Space Situational Awareness

The requirement to detect, track, and monitor satellites, debris, and in the future commercial space flights, is growing in importance as space becomes more crowded. The consequences of an unregulated and uncoordinated approach to operations in space were widely publicised in 2009, when the first hypervelocity collision between two satellites occurred in low earth orbit.

To avoid future collisions, international operational procedures and regulations, similar to commercial air traffic management, need to be established and supported by technology to improve international Situational Awareness (SA) in space.

This report explores the space market opportunity to provide a technical solution, supported by regulation, to lower the risk of collision, either between satellites, or through debris.

Click here to access the full report.


Space Tourism

This reports brings together details of the future players in the front-line space tourism industry and available market forecasts. It uses tourism parallels to help to provide a potential model for growth. It highlights the UK’s status as a top ten tourist destination with the advantages that brings in developing a new sector.

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Space Weather Services

Space weather events, such as solar flares, can have a significant impact on the stability of the air and space environment around earth, threatening air travel and contributing to natural disasters. This has created the need for continuous monitoring of space weather events to predict and assess space weather anomalies that might impact the air and space environment around earth.

This report focuses on the potential for a space weather market opportunity exploitable by UK space-related companies and value-added service providers.

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Weather Services

This report assesses the market opportunity for new weather services that can be derived from the current and future meteorological missions, the provision of new observations addressing the gaps in the observing system and the exploitation of satellite data into innovative combined products.
Both Earth Observation (EO) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technologies are used to obtain meteorological data, which is processed through specialist analysis and combined with other (satellite-based or terrestrial) data to produce increasingly specialised and targeted weather, seasonal and climate products and services.
The market briefing covers both the upstream (space manufacturing) and downstream (space operations and space applications) elements of the space economy value-chain. The focus lies on the market opportunity for UK companies and estimates of industry revenue and the wider benefits associated with the provision of (new) weather services.

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