Catapult launches new Small Satellite Market Intelligence report - Satellite Applications Catapult

Catapult launches new Small Satellite Market Intelligence report

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The Small Satellite Market Intelligence report is a free quarterly update that follows the fast growing interest in small satellites.

As part of the Catapult’s remit to support sector growth, the report aims to share information the Catapult teams aggregate through their day-to-day work, making this data accessible to the wider community.

The first release provides the baseline context of the small satellites market over the past 7 years through to the end of June 2017. Subsequent releases will provide regular updates to these metrics, as well as adding further areas of analysis along a quarterly timescale. These quarterly reports will be complemented with ad-hoc reports on specific topics.

Stuart Martin, CEO says: “A fundamental part of the Catapult?s role is to support the growth of the UK space sector. One of the ways we do this, is to share the knowledge and data we collate on a daily basis and make it freely available to the community and easy to access. We hope the satellite and investor communities will find this information of use, and provide feedback on how we might grow the scope of the report to deliver the data they need.”

You can download a copy of the report at

We welcome feedback on other data points that would be of value. You can contact the team at