Come build a miniature satellite with the Satellite Applications Catapult

27/03/2014 – The CubeSat Weekend has been rescheduled to take place on the 26-27 April 2014.
*Original Text*
The Satellite Applications Catapult, an independent innovation and technology company, is hosting a ‘Build your own CubeSat Weekend’, providing anyone with the opportunity to design, assemble, build and fly a miniature satellite.
The event takes place over the weekend of 29-30 March 2014 at Satellite Applications Catapult in Harwell, Oxford. The purpose of the event is to demonstrate that anyone – no matter what level of technical expertise or experience – can build a CubeSat – which are typically 10cm cubed in size.
Stuart Martin, CEO of the Catapult said: “Over the weekend we will provide participants with the expertise and equipment to successfully create a Kickstart Sprite – a miniature spacecraft – which will be loaded onto a CubeSat. Each CubeSat will be tested by a balloon launch from the Harwell Oxford campus and provide a realistic testbed in readiness for a potential later launch into a Low Earth Orbit’.
“CubeSats are increasingly being launched at a phenomenal rate to create new businesses. This is stimulating an increase of new applications being developed and in satellite data being made available. CubeSats are a further demonstration of the UK’s status as a global player in the space and satellite sector.”
Anyone is welcome to register for the event, either in teams of up to five people or as an individual. Registration closes at 12:00 on 24 March 2014. For more information, please visit