Professor Nicholas Veck awarded MBE for services to Environmental Sciences - Satellite Applications Catapult

Professor Nicholas Veck awarded MBE for services to Environmental Sciences

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Professor Nicholas Veck, Head of the CEO Office at the Satellite Applications Catapult, has been awarded an MBE for services to environmental science, in the Queen?s 2016 Birthday Honours list.

For the past 30 years, Nick has played a significant role in the UK?s space sector, includingÿa secondment to the British National Space Centre during the 1990s. Since then, he has chaired the UK Space Foresight Group, where he initiated the Space Foresight Programme, and chaired the UK Industrial Space Committee, raising its profile and rebranding it as UKspace under his leadership.

Nick has also chaired several industrial, government and academic committees and boards, offering advice for policy and funding matters relating to Earth observation. At Astrium Geo Information Services, where he spent more than 20 years, Nick was responsible for the development in the UK of satellite Earth observation-related services, including the exploitation of the NovaSAR satellite.

Nick said: ?I?m very proud to have been nominated. I have always worked closely with the Natural Environment Research Council to help exploit and gain the greatest economic impact from their excellent Earth observation science. Through my work at the Satellite Applications Catapult, I?m pleased to do a little to help exploit that science and build economic impact in the UK.

?I knew about the honour a month ago, but was sworn to secrecy. It was very difficult because I really wanted to share the news with my colleagues!?

Stuart Martin, CEO of the Satellite Applications Catapult, said: ?We all wish Nick congratulations on his MBE. For more than threeÿdecades, Nick has made a major contribution to the UK?s science community, and this is richly deserved recognition. At the Catapult, Nick continues to play an invaluable role, establishing and developing relationships and links between the science base, academia, government and industry, in the UK and internationally.?