Actionable insight for a sustainable forest-commodity future
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Actionable insight for a sustainable forest-commodity future
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ForestMind is a service that will provide actionable insight for a sustainable forest-commodity future
It will combine knowledge and expertise from agricultural and sustainability specialists, Earth Observation data, and isotopic analysis to help food retailers and producers eliminate products that have caused deforestation from our food supply chains.
Our vision for ForestMind is to create a globally prosperous and biodiverse forest commodity ecosystem, delivering value to all through responsible supply chains
ForestMind is focused on establishing a new neutral and trusted entity that delivers actionable insight and support to validate and change sourcing decisions, and guide supplier development to reduce deforestation.
We are doing this by leveraging specialisms in artificial intelligence, remote sensing, economics, traceability, enforcement, and sustainability from a consortium of 10 UK industry, innovation, and research partners.
Our first focus is to enable commodity sourcing organisations to understand and act on deforestation risks in supply chains globally. We plan to address broader environmental and social risks beyond the project for all parties within the supply chain from farmer to customer.
“Deforestation is one of the grandest challenges of our time from a climate change and environmental perspective it is a key factor in both issues. The loss of the diverse habitats that make up the earths rainforests in particular, could have a devastating impact on the balance of the earths delicate systems from which we may never recover. We need to act fast and at scale, we are the first generation to realise the impact we are having on the planet and probably the last generation able to do anything about it.
ForestMind is a coalition of ambitious stakeholders who want to make a difference. Developing the tools that could be used at a global scale to protect and restore these forests is key. The tools must represent the “system” and all its stakeholders and deliver the actionable insights that will drive the outcomes we need to see, there is huge and diverse support for ForestMind and its potential. We will be working hard to ensure it becomes both a reality, and importantly a signpost for our customers that guarantees deforestation free operations and products at Sainsburys, enabling those customers who want to make more sustainable choices to easily do so ”