Regional Clusters Advisory Board


Regional Clusters Advisory Board (RCAB) forms an essential part of the governance for the Satellite Applications Catapult regional programme which is supported by UK Space Agency. RCAB helps the Catapult access advice from organisations supporting the growth of the UK Space Sector.

The Satellite Applications Catapult is one of a network of Technology and Innovation organisations which aim to drive economic growth and the commercialisation of research. One way we do this is to engage, support and grow local expertise, capabilities, and facilities across the UK. RCAB has a key role in helping to deliver these objectives by providing advice and recommendations on the strategic direction of space clusters growth across the UK.

RCAB is a pan-UK focus which meets three times per annum and comprises of representatives from Industry, Academia, and Government.

The UK Space Sector’s growth continues to unfold, marked by consistent expansion in both its scope and geographical reach. A driving force behind growth is the concept of clusters – dynamic hubs designed to foster synergy between geographically concentrated innovation ecosystems strengthened by the local leadership. Clusters enhances knowledge exchange, raises the profile of industrial, academic and infrastructure capabilities and increases collaborative capacity.

Clusters are catalysts for growth and are supported by national and regional bodies coming together to provide funding and share best practice to enhance the development of clusters across the UK, which vary in size, offer, and stages of maturity.

Initially set up as the ‘Regional Centres Advisory Board’ in 2014, alike the Centres of Excellence programme the Regional Clusters Advisory Board (RCAB) has evolved to support the advancement of space clusters across the UK.

It is an exciting time for the UK Space sector, with the implementation of the National Space Strategy, and the focus on growing and levelling up our space economy.  RCAB helps provide advice to the Catapult and our partners as we work to support localities realise the potential of UK space sector growth and develop our world class space clusters, it does this through the following key functions:

  • Providing a centralised forum for knowledge sharing and collaboration between stakeholders including across government
  • Enhancing broad awareness of opportunities relevant to regional growth that can be cascaded to cluster leads and space ecosystem other community leads
  • Provide advice on policy and interventions affecting the space ecosystem
Grid of 15 RCAB members with names, photos, and roles, including representatives for industry, government, and agencies.