Satellites for Sustainable Development: Knowledge Hub

The Sats4SD Knowledge Hub will provide access to resources for governments, NGOs, academia, and businesses who would like to learn more about the capabilities of satellite technology for sustainable development.

If you would like to publish an open-source resource on our knowledge hub, please submit via the button below.

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Icons representing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, each in a colorful square with a symbol and title.


What are the UN Sustainable Development goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.

Aerial view of a forest with fallen trees scattered among lush green foliage.


What is the state of the world today and how do we monitor progress toward reaching the SDGs? 

Working Groups & Networks


The community brings together space and non-space organisations from across all sectors both in the UK and globally

Join Sats4SD


WILDLABS.NET is a community of conservationists, technologists, engineers, data scientists, entrepreneurs, and change-makers.

Visit their website


Supporting UK leadership in delivering, sustaining, and making use of climate data acquired from space.

Visit their website

Harwell Green Club

A forum to bring people of this mind together to share information, make new connections, and exchange views.

LinkedIn Group

Oxfordshire Greentech

The business network supporting the growth of the low-carbon sector in Oxfordshire

Visit their website

Women in Sustainability

Creating community, enabling you to build valuable relationships & strengthen your network

Visit their website

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

A global network using data to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Visit their website

GEO Sustainable Development Working Group

Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals

Visit their website