SERAPIS Lot 2 Space Systems
SME Opportunity
What is SERAPIS?
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) SERAPIS Framework is a 6 year programme (now in its second year) with 6 different Lots covering C4ISR (command, control, computers, communication, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance), Space Systems, Synthetic Environments, and Simulation Technology to support human capability development.
The entire Serapis Framework has an anticipated budget of £250 million and aims to secure the most innovative expertise available in the market today in order to develop new, ground breaking Defence and Security capabilities for the United Kingdom. The Framework seeks to utilise Non-Traditional Defence Suppliers, Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Academia, (in addition to more traditional defence Suppliers), to bring these capabilities to market, with Lot Leads accountable for and measured on the diversity of the Supply Base.
SERAPIS Lot 2 Space Systems
Serapis Lot 2 is led by BAE Systems Applied Intelligence as part of a Prime Consortium, drawing on support from the Satellite Applications Catapult to create awareness of the Lot, within the SME Community and our unique partnership of top UK space universities, government agencies and the investment routes, set up to support SMEs within the UK.
The projects under the Space Systems Lot will cover all aspects of defence and security space systems, including:
- underpinning enabling services;
- space-specific analysis;
- fundamental and applied space research of the space environment;
- design and manufacture of space equipment and sub-systems;
- space launch and range assessments;
- through-life balance-of-investment studies looking at the operation of satellites, ground stations, or other terrestrial-based space systems (such as those used for the surveillance of space);
- application of commercial space systems and services for defence and security exploitation and benefit.

SERAPIS Lot 2 and the SME Community
Through Serapis Lot 2, BAE Systems and the Prime Consortium (comprised principally of Space Industry SMEs), are looking to disrupt the existing barriers to entry for SMEs. Their aim is to effect a framework environment fostering a culture of technical, behavioural and commercial innovation through the exploitation of new data and technologies in Space. By joining Serapis Lot 2, Non-Traditional Defence Suppliers, Academia and the SME Community in general, will have the potential to:
- Secure work within Lot 2, as individual entities or pooling expertise and resources with other Framework Suppliers;
- Gain entry into the Space and Defence markets and engage with UK MOD, Joint Forces Command and Dstl;
- Provide new, innovative technology solutions into Dstl requested Tasking; and,
- Help to enhance the overall capabilities in UK Defence and Security Space Systems by influencing and/or delivering Key Outcomes for Dstl.
In partnership with the Satellite Applications Catapult with our access to and expertise within the UK technology and innovation network, BAE Systems want you to be a part of this engagement – to provide you with an exploitation route into MOD and the Space Defence Market and realise the growth potential within the SME and Academic Communities. We will all work together with Dstl to create a cooperative environment in which all parties can thrive, irrespective of the nature and scale of contribution involved in the programme, to benefit from an open and trusted relationship.

// Register Your Interest

To register for Serapis Lot 2 please go to the following webpage:
You will need to download and complete the Serapis Lot 2: Supplier Registration Template (providing the details of your organisation and completing the Capability Record) and return the form to the BAE Systems mailbox for registration processing:
The Capability Record will be used to identify capabilities in the SME community and generate a heatmap for the Serapis Lot 2 Framework Management Team to identify candidate SME Tasks and thereby grow the SME community.
Please be aware that by completing registration for Serapis Lot 2 on behalf of your company or academic institution, your contact details and capabilities may be shared with the entire supplier base for Lot 2, as well as with Dstl.
In the event of any queries please do not hesitate to the BAE Systems Framework Management Team via the BAE Systems mailbox (above).