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Space Hub Yorkshire (SHY) is a coordinator of Space activity across the region, a catalyst for new satellite and geospatial data markets, a source of Space expertise, a facilitator of new collaborations, a driver of investments, a champion for Space start-ups and an advocate for Space research and industry opportunities.
SHY’s vision: Unlocking Space for the people and businesses of Yorkshire. Connecting, promoting, and guiding innovation. Raising skills, raising aspiration. Championing inclusion. Delivering prosperity.
See Space Hub Yorkshire’s strategy document here.
Produmax is a specialist manufacturing company with an expertise in high precision engineering. Operating globally, they work in partnership with many of the most prestigious aerospace manufacturers to produce high quality machined components and assemblies.
Based at Sheffield University, CENTRIC is a multi-disciplinary and end-user focused centre of excellence, located within Sheffield Hallam University. The global reach of CENTRIC links both academic and professional expertise across a range of disciplines providing unique opportunities to progress ground-breaking research.
The Centre operates at the forefront of innovation in sustainable energy, developing new technologies that will shape the fight against climate change. The Centre’s team develop innovative research bids, manage research projects, supervise PhD students and train early career researchers, as well as building links with industry, academia, government departments and research councils.
Based at Leeds Beckett University, the CSI Centre aims to advance technical cyber security and digital forensics mechanisms and practice and improve and incorporate an evidence-based approach into the frontline policing of digital forensics and cybercrime investigations.
The University of Bradford hosts a variety of institutions, including the Bradford-Renduchintala Centre for Space AI, the AI and Visual Computing Research Unit, the Centre for Visual Computing, the Communications and Networks Research Unit, and the Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC).
The University of Huddersfield hosts the Centre for Cyber Security, the Ion Beam Centre and the Centre for Precision Technologies (CPT).
Innovate UK KTN exists to connect innovators with new partners and new opportunities beyond their existing thinking – accelerating ambitious ideas into real-world solutions.
Works across West Yorkshire to develop and deliver policies, programmes and services which directly benefit the people of West Yorkshire
The Satellite Applications Catapult is at the heart of the satellite services revolution, driving take-up of space technology and applications to shape, and sustain, the world of tomorrow. We’re driven by how our actions help the organisations we work with, both large and small, bring new services to market. By connecting industry and academia we get new research off the ground and into the market more quickly.
The UK Space Agency inspires and leads the UK in space to benefit our planet and its people. UK Space Agency is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.
The University of Leeds hosts a variety of research institutions and facilities, as well as being part of the Alan Turing Institute. These include: The Priestly Centre for Climate; Satellite Data in Environmental Science for Doctoral Training with the University of Edinburgh; the Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme; Leeds Institute for Data Analytics; National Centre for Atmospheric Science; UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment; Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics; and the Institute for Communication and Power Networks.
The University of York hosts a variety of institutions and facilities including: the UK Quantum Communications Hub; the York-Zhejiang (YZ) Lab for Cognitive Radio and Green Communications; the York Interdisciplinary Centre for Cyber Security; the Centre for High Altitude Platform Applications; the York Plasma Institute; and the York Robotics Lab.
The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) is a network of world-leading research and innovation centres working with manufacturing companies of any size from around the globe.
Empowering Yorkshire’s future through collaboration: A regional partnership of twelve higher education institutions.
The York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has been created by the City of York Council and North Yorkshire Council and is a legally recognised, single body. Our role is to use some of the money and powers, that up to now have been held by central government, and work with local leaders and communities to invest in ways that will help to make York and North Yorkshire a better place for you to live, work and do business.
For more detail, see the Space Capabilities Catalogue. For more information on the technical areas, see the Investor Launchpad Capability Brochures.
For more detail, see the Space Capabilities Catalogue.