Space West - Satellite Applications Catapult

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Space West


Space West is a regional consortium of academic and industry partners accelerating growth and innovation in the space sector. We are passionate about delivering opportunities and facilities that will enhance our eco-system and grow investment in the region.

The cluster has identified three thematic areas of strength:

Secure and Resilient Communications harnesses strengths in Cyber, Semiconductors, Telecomms, Quantum and AI to address current and future challenges.
Intelligent Systems and Robotics draw on strengths in AI, robotics, Modelling and Simulation and High Performance Computing to develop new technologies needed to derisk and realise UK future ambitions
Materials for Extreme Environments theme exploits expertise and capabilities in composites, materials design, testing and verification as well as adjacent sector strengths in aerospace, nuclear and hydrogen.

Key Contacts

Becky Huffee

Organisation: National Composites Centre
Role: Space Cluster Manager

Facilities & Assets

  • Centre for Modelling and Simulation (CFMS)

  • The Centre for Modelling and Simulation (CFMS) is an independent digital engineering consultancy, providing technical expertise to help organisations create better solutions in pioneering new product development. With a full portfolio of digital capabilities, including design and analysis services, consultancy and IT infrastructure, CFMS uses digital innovation to help develop more effective engineering solutions.

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  • National Composites Centre

  • The National Composites Centre was created as the UK’s Centre of Excellence for Composites Research and Development following the inclusion of this disruptive technology into government industrial strategy. Their task: to be recognised as a world leader in composite technology, accelerating the development and uptake of digital technologies for sustainable composites and growing the market for composites by driving innovation through collaboration and partnerships.

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  • Thales Alenia Space UK (Bristol)

  • Located on the Bristol Business Park, Thales Alenia Space UK Bristol is also home to the main design development capability for Thales Alenia Space in the UK, a leading actor in the design of satellite propulsion systems, satellite subsystems and system design studies.

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  • University of the West of England Wind Tunnels

  • The wind tunnel facilities at the University of the West of England are operated and developed by the department of Engineering, Design and Mathematics in the Faculty of Environment and Technology. The department has two production facilities namely the supersonic and subsonic wind tunnels. The supersonic facility has a 1” x 4” test section whilst the subsonic facility has two test sections of 5’ x 7’ and 12’ x 12’. For enquiries relating to the use of the facilities please email or phone the Department of Engineering, Design and Mathematics.

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  • Bristol Robotics Laboratory

  • Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) is the most comprehensive academic centre for multi-disciplinary robotics research in the UK. It is a collaborative partnership between the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) and the University of Bristol, and home to a vibrant community of over 450 academics, researchers and industry practitioners.

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  • GKN Global Technology Centre

  • A 10,000 m2, ‘Open access’ collaborative R&D centre located in Filton, Bristol. One of 4 Global Technology Centres. A joint £32M investment between GKN Aerospace and the UK Government through the Aerospace Technology Institute. An ecosystem of Universities, Research and Technology Organisations, Catapults, Government Organisations and Industrial Partners. Providing support to start-ups and SMEs. Opening in October 2021.

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  • sambard-AI is set to be built during the summer of 2024, going into production later in the year at the National Composites Centre in Bristol. Isambard-AI, a national resource for researchers and industry, will be 10 times more powerful than the UK’s fastest supercomputer, fueling scientific discovery in fields such as robotics, big data, climate research and drug discovery. It will be the first Tier-0 supercomputer the UK has ever hosted, ranking amongst the top 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world.

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  • Compound Semiconductors Applications Catapult

  • The Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult’s purpose is to deliver long-term benefit to the UK economy and accelerate UK economic growth in industries where applying compound semiconductors creates a competitive advantage and enables new products or end markets. Compound semiconductors bring many advantages in size, weight and performance when used in systems. Typically they have a much wider bandgap compared to silicon which allows devices to operate at much higher voltages, frequencies and temperatures to power the essential technologies of the future.

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  • Business Cyber Centre

  • Funded by a Central Government grant as part of the Getting Building Fund, this will be the UK’s first Business Cyber Centre. As part of the SWLEP, the Business Cyber Centre is on a mission to make all UK businesses more cyber secure and aims to create a business community that can confidently grow in a safe space.

    The BCC believes that cyber security isn’t an optional extra, it’s a must have and the Centre is dedicated to building a powerful community that can tackle todays challenges with confidence. Combining its cyber knowledge and expertise, it will give its customers all the tools they need to power their business forward.

    Cyber security is everyone’s business. Covid-19 has increased our vulnerability to cyber-attacks by making UK citizens more reliant on individual ports, networks and remote technology. All users and businesses are at risk and the BCC aims to help our community become cyber smart and business savvy.

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  • HMG Facilities

  • The Cluster is hosts a number of Government organisations within its geography, including DE&S Abbeywood, DSTL, and GCHQ.

  • Airbus Protect

  • Airbus Protect, an Airbus subsidiary bringing together the Company’s expertise in cybersecurity, safety and sustainability-related services. The aim of this entity is to provide a unique global service offering to protect Airbus company-wide and meet the needs of national authorities and commercial customers, including critical infrastructures.

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  • Babcock

  • With numerous locations across the region, Babcock is an international defence, aerospace and security company operating in our focus countries of the UK, Australasia, Canada, France and South Africa, with exports to additional markets with potential to become focus countries. We meet our customers’ key requirements of affordability, availability, and capability by delivering engineering, support and critical systems to defence and civil markets.

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  • IAAPS is a world-leading centre of excellence supporting the transport industry in the transition to net zero.

    Established to foster engineering innovation through the collaboration of industry, enterprise and academia, IAAPS is a wholly owned commercial subsidiary of the University of Bath.

    We combine cross-sector academic rigour with commercial focus to support industry in the development and adoption of clean, efficient and affordable zero carbon propulsion technologies for integration into commercial applications. Our expertise is based on over 40 years of propulsion systems research at the University of Bath and enables a broader experimental approach than conventional test facilities.

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  • Quantum Technology Innovation Centre

  • The Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre (QTIC) offers dedicated facilities and support services for quantum and deep tech companies to launch, grow and connect.

    With a £35m investment from local government, the Centre is currently at pilot stage and its full-scale facility will open as part of the new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus in 2026.

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  • Rolls Royce Bristol

  • We’ve been at the forefront of innovation for more than a hundred years, helping to power, protect, and connect the modern world

    Today, we’re working on a multi-year transformation to unlock our full potential. We’re building on our enduring, distinctive strengths to create a high-performing, competitive, resilient and growing Rolls-Royce. We will continue to design, build and maintain systems that provide mission-critical power to customers.

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Partners & Academic Institutions

  • National Composites Centre

  • The National Composites Centre was created as the UK’s Centre of Excellence for Composites Research and Development following the inclusion of this disruptive technology into government industrial strategy. Their task: to be recognised as a world leader in composite technology, accelerating the development and uptake of digital technologies for sustainable composites and growing the market for composites by driving innovation through collaboration and partnerships.

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  • University of Bath

  • The University of Bath is home to the Centre for Space, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science. The centre focusses on the environment of the Earth and near-Earth space and their effects on advanced technological systems

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  • University of the Bristol

  • The University is a part of the Space West Cluster and is the host to the Space Universities Network. The University also has a strong space research landscape, with upstream and downstream research capabilities in areas such as materials for space; earth observation; space systems, robotics and components; and secure communications.

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  • University of the West of England

  • The wind tunnel facilities at the University of the West of England are operated and developed by the department of Engineering, Design and Mathematics in the Faculty of Environment and Technology. The department has two production facilities namely the supersonic and subsonic wind tunnels.  The supersonic facility has a 1” x 4” test section whilst the subsonic facility has two test sections of 5’ x 7’ and 12’ x 12’.  For enquiries relating to the use of the facilities please email or phone the Department of Engineering, Design and Mathematics.

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Technical Focus

For more detail, see the Space Capabilities Catalogue. For more information on the technical areas, see the Investor Launchpad Capability Brochures.

Market Focus

For more detail, see the Space Capabilities Catalogue.