Westcott Space Cluster - Satellite Applications Catapult

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Westcott Space Cluster


The Westcott Space Cluster is home to a growing nucleus of space related companies developing new innovative technologies, including rocket propulsion, in-orbit manufacturing, and 5G communications.

In 2017, the UK Space Agency agreed to create a national rocket test centre at Westcott and alongside the European Space Agency, invest in new test facilities on site. 650 acres supports space-related companies to establish and scale their operations within the park.

Key Contacts

Ian Barham

Organisation: Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership
Role: Partnerships Director

Matt Peachey

Organisation: Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership
Role: Enterprise Zones Manager

Facilities & Assets

  • Business Incubation Centre

  • The Westcott Incubator and Accelerator Programme is a new funding opportunity delivered by the Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Zone, designed to help start-up and SME companies to grow and develop at Westcott. Launching in November 2022, the programme includes two separate packages from which space-related businesses can tailor the support they require using a voucher scheme that ranges from £5,000 to £25,000. You can apply for both the Incubator and the Accelerator at the same time, as well as independently of one another.

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  • Drone Test and Development Centre

  • The Drone Test and Development Centre offers a secure environment to test and develop drone products and services, including capabilities that will support Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS), pilot training, and remote flight operations. Westcott as a former RAF airfield without general aviation, has multiple open flying areas, no conflicting traffic, and a low residential density, making it an ideal location for unmanned specialist companies to test and develop their vehicles and sensors.

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  • Future Networks Development Centre

  • The Westcott Future Network Development Centre (FNDC) is s a joint funded venture between the Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership (BLEP) and the Satellite Applications Catapult, focused on resilient communications. The centre is an open and accessible UK test centre for all ITU Primitives, providing total standardised COTS testing facilities. The centre also offers 5G test and development Ofcom licences from 700Mhz to 4200Mhz and satellite and terrestrial capabilities such as fully virtualized 5G core and state of the art O-RAN deployments.

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  • In-Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing Facility

  • The IOSM Facility has collaboration spaces and product development labs, and will continually be developed to be the ideal place for you to innovate, test, and develop your commercial solutions. It is located in a brand new building within the Westcott Space Cluster on Westcott Venture Park, Buckinghamshire. The facility also includes robotics facilities.

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  • MetalFAB1 Additive Manufacturing (AM) System

  • This equipment hopes to accelerate rocket propulsion manufacturing and testing at the Westcott Venture Park and has successfully been commissioned following installation by technologists from Additive Industries.

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  • National Rocket Test Centre

  • The National Space Propulsion Test Facility (NSPTF) is the only one of its kind in the UK and allows companies and academics to test state-of-the-art propulsion engines which are used to move small satellites in space. It allows new types of more sustainable propellants to be tested, such as Hydrogen Peroxide and Liquid Oxygen which are more environmentally friendly.

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Partners & Academic Institutions

  • Buckinghamshire Business First

  • Buckinghamshire Business First are a business-led, business-focused community for new, established and growing businesses across Buckinghamshire. It provides businesses in Buckinghamshire with knowledge, support and opportunities for growth. By getting involved, you join thousands of other members benefiting from our knowledge, connections, facilities, products and services.

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  • Buckinghamshire LEP

  • The Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership is a business-led ‘partnership of equals’ between local government and the private sector, building the conditions for sustainable economic growth in the county.

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  • Patrizia (Westcott Venture Park)

  • Patrizia is as an investment and asset manager of real estate who work to create a more sustainable environment by reducing environmental harm and contributing to society in a positive way. Westcott Venture Park is owned by Patrizia.

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Technical Focus

For more detail, see the Space Capabilities Catalogue. For more information on the technical areas, see the Investor Launchpad Capability Brochures.

Market Focus

For more detail, see the Space Capabilities Catalogue.

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