Government, industry and academia to benefit from Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data project

The Satellite Applications Catapult is part of a team developing a common set of standards and methods for the UK Government, businesses and academia, to enhance the exploitation of Sentinel-2 Copernicus data in analysis-ready form.
The partnership, which includes Defra’s Earth Observation Centre of Excellence and Aberystwyth University, will establish common pre-processing requirements for Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data (ARD) to reduce the burden of complex and time-consuming calibration and validation processing. This will be based on experience with other optical sensors, such as Landsat, to support applications related to land cover classification, change detection and biophysical parameter estimation.
The project will include engagement with the UK?s Earth Observation (EO) and Geographic Information System (GIS) community, who will have the opportunity to test and revise the standard before it is finalised. This will be done through workshops and a dedicated LinkedIn Group. The first workshop takes place on 28 April at Future Cities Catapult.
Stuart Martin, CEO, Satellite Applications Catapult, said: “The workshops aim to bring together EO and GIS experts from across academia, industry and government to explore a proposed standard for Sentinel-2 ARD. This will inform an international and UK context of ARD activities, and outline development of a fully open source and readily accessible Sentinel-2 ARD tool being carried out within this project.
“We also hope these workshops, together with the creation of a LinkedIn Group, will stimulate the growth of a Sentinel-2 ARD community and provide valuable satellite data products as a user-friendly dataset.”
At the end of its lifecycle, the project will deliver Sentinel-2 ARD as an open dataset, for all relevant UK coverage up to the end of June 2017, and will provide a sound foundation for future operational systems.