We collaborate with regional and membership-based stakeholders nationwide, who are local experts with in-depth knowledge of their space ecosystems. These stakeholders share insights about organisations they consider relevant to the space sector. Our team then verifies this information, builds out the datapoints, and publishes it through the front-end visualisation.
We work closely with universities across the UK, gathering information on researchers actively involved in the space domain. Through our partnerships with universities, we gain a better understanding of researchers, who are identified and listed by the universities themselves. Our team then assesses the researcher’s relevance to the space sector and then compiles and publishes this data on the Academic Expertise Portal.
Please refer to our taxonomy blog post: https://sa.catapult.org.uk/blogs/space-capabilities-catalogue-taxonomy/
The update frequency varies by dataset according to resourcing / funding:
No, the front-end visualisation is free to use once you have registered as a user.
Whilst the front-end visualisation is free to use, requests for data access and additional analysis from the Space Capabilities Catalogue are considered and priced on request. When pricing data requests, the Catapult will consider several factors including the type of requestor and purpose for which the data will be used.
The SCC is designed for various user groups, including:
Our data accuracy relies on regular updates, as outlined in the “How often do you update your data?” section. To ensure the reliability and relevance of our data, we actively collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, including regional clusters, universities, and government. This collaborative approach allows us to validate and cross-reference our data against multiple trusted sources. By leveraging the expertise and insights of these partners, we maintain a robust dataset which remains accurate and fit for purpose.
Turnover and employee data are sourced directly from Companies House, the UK’s company registry. The “Space Turnover” figure is derived from financial accounts filed with Companies House and found in turnover segmentation where available.
“Organisations” refer to the entities in our dataset actively working in the space sector.
“Sites” are the physical locations associated with these organisations, these include Headquarters and other Trading Addresses such as offices, or facilities.
If you would like to add your details (Organisation, Researchers, or Infrastructure) to the SCC, or update an existing entry, please complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/e/pLiQqkm4mU
If you would like to add your details to the SCC, or update an existing entry, please complete the following form: https://satappscatapult.wufoo.com/forms/space-capabilities-catalogue/
We aim to review and add organisations within one month of receiving a completed submission form. However, the time to process a submission depends on team capacity and availability.
Within the SCC, each Organisation has a “Contact Us” button which redirects you to a team within the Catapult who can help you to contact an Organisation. You can also follow the link to and Organisations website to find their general “Contact Us” facilities. Alternatively, please reach out to the Catapults Business Engagement Team: businessengagement@sa.catapult.org.uk
Please contact our Knowledge Exchange Team (ke@sa.catapult.org.uk) who will be happy to support you in your journey.