
Norfolk and Suffolk Space Strategy is currently in development and initiated by the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) with the support of a locally led Steering Group. The Strategy will help to formalise a New Anglia Space Cluster which seeks to capitalise on and showcase the existing regional expertise in space services and applications, while harnessing diverse business capabilities across the region. The New Anglia Space Cluster is a multi-sited cluster with geographic concentrations of space expertise at Adastral Park, Norwich and Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

See Space East’s strategy document here.

Key Contacts

Stuart Catchpole

Organisation: New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Role: Space Cluster Manager

James Allen

Organisation: New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Role: Innovation & Sectors Manager

Julian Munson

Organisation: New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
Role: Head of Enterprise Zones & Innovation




and this body box

Prototyping & Manufacturing

Connect & Collaborate


Cost (Per Day)

Operations Complexity

  • Meeting Rooms: Venus

  • Venus is set up boardroom style and features blackout blinds, a conference phone, and a television for the visual elements of your meeting.

    Explore Service
  • MetalFAB1 Additive Manufacturing (AM) System

  • Additive Manufacturing (AM) System

    Explore Service
  • Near-Field Antenna Test Range

  • The Near-Field Range offers full antenna characterisation, plus further leverage through emulation for full spectrum simulation.

    Explore Service
  • Operations Centre (IOSCC)

  • If you’re planning a satellite mission, the Operations Centre at the Catapult offers cost-effective support.

    Explore Service
  • Satellite Communications Lab

  • If you’re developing satellite-based technologies, our SatComms Lab provides access to a range of different satellite hardware.

    Explore Service
  • Space Commercialisation Engine

  • A new business support programme aimed at accelerating innovative and commercially viable Earth Observation (EO) ideas into the market; for businesses of all sizes.

    Explore Service